로맨틱 펀치(Romantic Punch) - 눈치채 줄래요(Didn't You Know)
손 내밀면 닿을 것 같아서
I thought I could reach you if I put my hand out
눈 감아도 보일 것 같아서
I thought i'd see you even if I closed my eyes
언제라도 그대 생각만 해서
I always thought of you
숨을 참아도 그대의 향기가 나는 것 같아서
I hold my breath but I feel like I can smell you
마치 곁에 있는 것만 같아서
It's like you're around
날 알아채 주기만 기다려
I'm just waiting for you to notice me
내게 손 내밀어 줄 수 없나요
Can't you reach out to me?
용기 내 말을 걸면 그대 달아날 것 같아
If I talk to you with courage, I think you'll run away
어느 날 그대 날 돌아봐 준다면
One day, if you look back at me,
감춰온 나의 얘기들을 (그제야) 들려줄 수 있을 것 같아요
(then) I think I'll be able to tell you about stories I've been hiding
몰래 몰래 바라보다
While I look at you secretly
혹여나 눈 마주칠까봐
Just in case I'm afraid I'm going to make eye contact
두근두근대는 가슴 소리만
Just the pounding of my heart..
달큰한 목소리가 귓가에 아른거릴 때면
When I hear a sweet voice in my ear,
아무것도 할 수 없는 나라서
I can't do anything
날 알아채 주기만 기다려
I'm just waiting for you to notice me
내게 손 내밀어 줄 순 없나요
Can't you reach out to me?
용기 내 말을 걸면 그대 달아날 것 같아
If I talk to you with courage, I think you'll run away
어느 날 그대 날 돌아봐 준다면
One day, if you look back at me,
감춰온 나의 얘기들을 (그제야) 들려 줄 수 있을것 같아요
(then) I think I'll be able to tell you about stories I've been hiding
맛있는걸 먹고 예쁜길을 보면
When I eat something delicious and see a pretty road,
언제나 그대와 함께 하고픈 함께 걷고픈 나에요
I always want to be with you and walk with you
내게 손 내밀어 줄 순 없나요
Can't you reach out to me?
용기 내 말을 걸면 그대 달아날 것 같아
If I talk to you with courage, I think you'll run away
어느 날 그대 날 돌아봐 준다면
One day, if you look back at me,
감춰온 나의 얘기들을 (그제야) 들려 줄 수 있을것 같아요
(then) I think I'll be able to tell you about stories I've been hiding
그대가 보고싶어 미칠 것만 같아
I'm dying to see you~~!!!
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